Episode 204: 11 Herbs and Spices of Neurohacking - James Schmachtenberger

James Schmachtenberger is a successful serial entrepreneur, with a lifelong focus on using business and innovation to effect large-scale change for the benefit of humanity. James is the co-founder and the CEO of Neurohacker Collective, a company focused on making groundbreaking products for health and well-being through complex systems science. His areas of expertise include nootropics, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, sleep and fast-paced entrepreneurialism.

Show Link:  https://neurohacker.com/shop/qualia-mind?rfsn=6949525.566b4b provides 15% off any purchase when they use the code HEROES.


Episode 205: The Mathematical Model of Consciousness and The Case Against Reality - Donald Hoffman


Episode 203: Creating Meaningful VR Experiences - Daniel Dyboski-Bryant