Episode 48: The Game of Grace - Celia Schauble

Celia Schauble is equal parts hot coffee and Irish whiskey. She is a straight shot aimed at the heart of healing humanity, integrating, and building a bridge between the life you have and the one your soul desires to live. Celia is enthusiastic about beauty, nurturing, and the art of Self-care. A nearly 20 year veteran of marriage and design, Celia is a Spiritual Psychologist, somatic healer, coach, entrepreneur, and mother of two sons.

Her dedication to a life well lived was designed on purpose by Love, intention, and attention.

Celia’s ascension to empowerment came by way of her experiences with death, deep grief, and capital [L-O-V-E]. She is a natural at nurturing and holds the value of honesty as being the reflection of beauty. As a messenger of a new way to Love, Celis is on the cutting edge of evolution in the space of relationships. Celia’s work encourages a clear understanding of ownership of Self in all engagements. Her practices reveal that “How we relate to the issue, is the issue,” a favorite quote by her spiritual teachers Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick. Celia holds a space that invites others to initiate conversations with their internal emotional state, which in essence results in massive life-changing results. It is Celia's calling to be of service by leaving a legacy of Love.


Episode 49: Enjoying the Journey to New Horizons of VR - Kyle Riesenbeck


Episode 47: AR & VR Biofeedback Brain Training - Sarah Hill