Episode 55: The Fresh Styles of Animation - Chris Prynoski

Emmy award winning Chris Prynoski is the president and founder of Titmouse, an animation production company with offices in Los Angeles, New York and Vancouver. His animation career began in New York with his work on MTV shows such as Beavis and Butt-head, Daria and his Emmy nominated creation MTV Downtown. Chris and his wife Shannon then moved to LA to launch Titmouse, a home for passionate artists making high-quality cartoons. Prynoski has helped bring to life a string of hits including the feature film Nerdland along with Metalocalypse, China IL, Black Dynamite, Superjail!, The Venture Bros, Big Mouth, Tigtone, and Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. He wears many hats, including executive producing, show running and directing.


Episode 56: The Anatomy of Transformational Experiences - Howard Rose


Episode 54: Advanced Method Writing For VR - Patricia Beckman-Wells