Episode 77 : Athletes of Life - Ian Anderson

From Melbourne, Australia, now calling Seattle home, Ian Anderson has spent his entire career focusing on helping other people become healthier, happier and more successful. Helping them to unlock their human potential and get more out of life. As the Founder of Zoetic, a well-being and human performance specialist, an educator, coach, and consultant, he has empowered hundreds of people, athletes, schools and organizations in over 9 countries, across 5 continents. Now, as life begins to move beyond the pandemic, his mission and vision is to amplify his reach further, helping people to regain their confidence, motivation, develop resilience, strengthen relationships, and develop healthy and high performing habits that will transform their future.


Episode 78 : Helping Humanity To Evolve To Their Ultimate Potential Through Technology - Troy Haines


Episode 76 : Constraints Create Creativity - Noah Falstein