Episode 94 : Introspective Technology Creating the VR of the Inside - Giuseppe Riva

Giuseppe Riva, Ph.D., is Full Professor of General and Cognitive Psychology. at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, where he is also the Director of Humane Technology Lab. (HTLab.).

Riva is also the Founder and Director of the Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology (ATN-P) Lab. at the Istituto Auxologico Italiano (a leading Italian private hospital) where in the last 20 years he tested many of the current clinical applications of VR: from stress management to eating and weighting disorders. In the lab he also authored the COVID Feel Good Virtual Therapeutic experience (www.covidfeelgood.com): the only free, validated and multilanguage (13 different languages, from English to Farsi and Japanese) VR experience for coping with the negative psychological effects – anxiety and depression – of Coronavirus.

According to the scientific databases Scopus and ISI Web of Science, Riva is the scholar who authored the highest number of peer-reviewed scientific publications in the fields of “Virtual Reality” in the world. He is also the current President of the International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation (http://iactor.ning.com/) whose yearly conference will be held online in September (https://www.interactivemediainstitute.com/cypsy25/).


Episode 95 : Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma - Silja Litvin


Episode 93 : XR Women in the New Attention Economy - Julie Smithson